Ubuntu 安裝好後,會發現一些娛樂用途會發生問題。
MP3, DVD Playback support
目前分類:Linux 筆記本 (8)
- Aug 23 Tue 2011 14:40
- Jul 15 Thu 2010 21:18
Ubuntu 10.4 下使用小紅點 TrackPoint
話說因為工作的關係很久沒有再把Ubuntu Desktop拿來當主要作業系統。
最新轉換了一下跑道,Windows暫時不需要經常用到。又把腦筋動到Ubuntu Desktop。
一方面公司內部也只有NoteBook可以使用,所以還是挑了一台最就手的IBM / Lenovo ThinkPad X61。
- Aug 03 Sun 2008 23:05
用BIND架設DDNS Server (四)
- Aug 03 Sun 2008 23:04
用BIND架設DDNS Server (三)
- Aug 03 Sun 2008 23:03
用BIND架設DDNS Server (二)
- Aug 03 Sun 2008 23:01
用BIND架設DDNS Server (一)
- Aug 03 Sun 2008 22:58
Postfix 之MailBox 轉換 MailDir
Postfix 之MailBox 轉換 MailDir --以Fedora為例
執行rpm -qa|egrep -i 'perl-5|perl-TimeDate',確認已經安裝Perl與TimeDate兩個元件。(http://search.cpan.org/~gbarr/TimeDate-1.16/)
- Aug 03 Sun 2008 22:56
Virtual Hosting with Tomcat
This is a guide on setting up Tomcat to do virtual hosting and make it behave like a simple webserver with jsp and servlet support, for many different sites all hosted on the same IP address. The aim is to have a single directory for each virtual host, which can be manipulated individually without hassles from managing multiple .war files and other configuration difficulties.
To configure Tomcat for a virtual host, you need a <Host ..> directive in the server.xml file, and a ROOT.xml file in the conf/Catalina/$host directory. Here's the minimal setup required for a copy of Tomcat serving directly on Port 80, using no connectors or other configuration difficulties.